Working group Heßmann
Chromatin-associated alterations in pancreatic cancer development and progression
The working group focuses on the role of chromatin regulators in the development and progression of pancreatic cancer. In our research, we use a multitude of functional, biochemical, and molecular biologic methods in human and murine tumor models to characterize the influence of specific chromatin regulators.
Research focus
Genetic alterations in the pancreatic acinar cell, including mutation, deletion or amplification of major oncogenes and tumorsuppressors play a pivotal role in pancreatic cancer development and progression. In addition to genetic events, pancreatic cancer is characterized by a plethora of epigenetic alterations that influence gene expression without changes in the DNA itself. Epigenetic mechanisms control gene expression at all levels of protein synthesis, e.g. via DNA methylation, chromatin alterations or expression of non-coding RNAs. In contrast to genetic alterations, epigenetic changes are reversible. Therefore, the regulators accountable for epigenetic dysregulation represent promising therapeutic targets in cancer therapy.
Our group focuses on the impact of chromatin dysregulation in the development and progression of pancreatic cancer. We utilize a plethora of functional, biochemical and molecular methods in human and murine tumor cells to dissect the influence of selected chromatin regulators in pancreatic carcinogenesis and progression. Within and without the conext of the KFO 5002 and with the help of transgenic mice and “Patient-derived-Xenograft” models of pancreatic cancer we further investigate the therapeutic potential of targeting chromatin dysregulation in this dreadful malignant disease. Together, we aim to govern mechanistic insights into chromatin-associated alterations in pancreatic cancer and evaluate therapeutic strategies to tackle epigenetic dysregulation in this disease.

- AG Ellenrieder, University Medical Center Göttingen
- AG Neeße, University Medical Center Göttingen
- AG Singh, University Medical Center Göttingen
- AG Johnsen, Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA and University Medical Center Göttingen
- Prof. Dr. Jochen Gaedcke, University Medical Center Göttingen
- PD Dr. Marian Grade, University Medical Center Göttingen
- AG Dobbelstein, University Medical Center Göttingen
- Prof. Jens Siveke, Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum Essen
- Prof. Alexander Kleger, University Medical Center Ulm
- Prof. Jin-San Zhang, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA
- Prof. Dr. Martin Fernandez-Zapico, Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA
- Patrick Hermann, University Medical Center Ulm
- Dr. Anna Saborowski, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
- Prof. Christine Falk, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

- Telefon: +49 551 3962616
- E-Mail-Adresse: elisabeth.hessmann(at)
Former members
- Dr. med. Lena Aperdannier
- Dr. med. Sebastian Bremer (Clinician Scientist)
- Dr. rer. nat. Marie Hasselluhn
- Dr. Shilpa Patil (PhD)
- Dr. med. Luise Goldfuß
- Luisa Hölzl (B.Sc.)
- Anna Likhobabina (B.Sc.)
- Denise Schlösser (M.Sc.)
- Charlotte Sigg (M.Sc.)
- Dimitra Spyropoulou (cand. med.)
- Astrid Strack (B.Sc.)
- Benjamin Steuber (cand. med.)
- Maira Volland (cand. med.)
- Theresa Waßmann (cand. med.)
- Helena Witte (cand. med.)
- Dr. Zhe Zhang (Ph.D)